Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Our church is committed to helping family's disciple their children. We desire to not take the place of parent but to come alongside families as they strive to teach their children about Jesus. There is no greater joy than to see a young soul commit themselves to Christ.
As a part of our vision for strengthening families, we offer Bible classes during Sunday Service for young people, with several classrooms for the different age groups. Our Sunday School curriculum for Preschool to 2nd grade is designed to take the kids through the entire Bible in a year.
Our 3rd to 5th grade classroom does not have a curriculum but teaches what is being taught in the main sanctuary. It is a discussion-based class that encourages the kids to open their Bibles and equip our kids to study the word of God themselves.
We hope that as children get older that they see the main body of the church as THEIR church, not just the Sunday School classrooms. We provide children staying in the main service with work booklets to help them connect with the topic being taught and to help come alongside parents as they disciple their kids.
Come see us at the Welcome desk in the Church Foyer, we will get your kids checked in and take you to see where their classrooms are. We are so excited to have you join us!
As a part of our vision for strengthening families, we offer Bible classes during Sunday Service for young people, with several classrooms for the different age groups. Our Sunday School curriculum for Preschool to 2nd grade is designed to take the kids through the entire Bible in a year.
Our 3rd to 5th grade classroom does not have a curriculum but teaches what is being taught in the main sanctuary. It is a discussion-based class that encourages the kids to open their Bibles and equip our kids to study the word of God themselves.
We hope that as children get older that they see the main body of the church as THEIR church, not just the Sunday School classrooms. We provide children staying in the main service with work booklets to help them connect with the topic being taught and to help come alongside parents as they disciple their kids.
Come see us at the Welcome desk in the Church Foyer, we will get your kids checked in and take you to see where their classrooms are. We are so excited to have you join us!
Current Programs
Sunday School - Sundays at 10 AM
On Sundays we offer several classes for age groups from Nursery to 5th grade.
AWANA and Trail Life - Wednesdays at 7 PM
On Wednesdays we have a Nursery class and Trail Life for Boys and the AWANA program for kids ages Preschool to 5th grade.
Check It Out! Kids Get their own Calander
Starting this year, we are rolling out our new Bible Memorization Program. To help families disciple their kids we are providing a calendar that has each months memory verse on it. It is a coloring book format so the kids can make it their own. Our Sunday School program works on one memory verse a month. If the kids say the verse to their teachers, then they get to pick a prize from the prize box!